From Longman Business Dictionary conveyancing con‧vey‧anc‧ing / kənˈveɪənsɪŋ / noun LAW the legal work of changing the ownership of land or property from one person or company to another It is possible to do the conveyancing yourself, however it is a complicated process and most people prefer to employ a solicitor.
There is here a parallel with conveyancing. In law, conveyancing is the exchange of legitimate title of the real property starting with one individual then onto the next, or the giving of an encumbrance, for example, a home loan. Inhibitions are rare except for a bankruptcy inhibition, which serves the same purpose as a land charge in unregistered conveyancing. The term is commonly used in real estate transactions when buyers and sellers transfer ownership of land, building, or. As in unregistered conveyancing, it would avoid argument if this is specifically mentioned in any court order. Conveyance is the act of transferring property from one party to another. For a small firm of solicitors in a market town, conveyancing has accounted for about half of all fee income. The difference in overall cost is in the price of conveyancing. uncountable (law) the branch of law that involves preparing the documents needed for moving property from one owner to anotherTopics Law and justicec2. Recent figures for conveyancing are not available. My articles are divided into three eight-month seats in each of company, commercial conveyancing and litigation.
The whole process is called conveyancing.
From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Related topics: Law conveyancing con‧vey‧anc‧ing / kənˈveɪənsɪŋ / noun British English SCL the work done, usually by a lawyer, to change the possession of property, especially a house, from one person to another - conveyancer noun Examples from the Corpus conveyancing